BUGEMM (karya tulis) "The Effect of LCD to Student Interest" PART I

Globalization is a word familiar in our ears. Globalization does not seem to stop making the world experienced a change toward more advanced. Based on wikipedia globalization is a term that has a relationship with increasing interdependency among nations and between peoples around the world the world through trade, investment, travel, popular culture, and other forms of interaction other so that the boundaries of a country becomes increasingly narrow. Globalization brings both positive and negative impacts, all these effects we have seen in everyday life today. As an example of the negative impact of globalization is the existence of free sex. Besides the negative impact of globalization is also bringing a positive impact one of which is technological progress. Technological advances could include areas such as governance, trade, industry, and especially especially in the field of education.                               Education is the initial capital in learning and face globalization. Globalization provides facilities for education, so fluency in teaching and learning can occur with the best. The facility can be the Internet, computers, LCD (Licuid Crystal Display), and others. We can use these facilities in teaching and learning activities for example, just the LCD. LCD can be used for displaying video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface . LCD can create lessons that teachers easily digest properly. Because the LCD makes the knowledge that one dimension or just Illusionist becomes a real example History is a science of learning about  human life from ancient times until now.
. If no LCD teaching and learning activities will still run but the activity will be monotone. Many schools are already equipped with the facility using the LCD-related facilities such as the SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang. This school has provided LCD facility almost every classroom. But if a school is facilitated by the LCD as SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang, the learning and teaching rather than become a boring activity, but will turn into an activity that interests the student.
Therefore, the researchers made BUGEMM entitled "The Effect of Using LCD to student interest for study in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang " so we know how many effect that caused by LCD in learnina and teaching program in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang.
1.2 Main Problems
1.   How does the effect of using  LCD to student interest for study in   SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang?
2.   What are the benefits of the LCD in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang?
3.   How the students perception concerning the existence of the LCD in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang?
1.3 Purposes
1.   To determine the effect of the LCD to the learning interests of students at SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang.
2.    To know the benefits of the LCD in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang.
3.    To know student perception of the existence of the LCD in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang.

1.4 The Benefits
1.    For Students : For students to know the effect of the use of LCD
2.    For Teachers / Teacher: In order to optimize the use of LCDs at the time of teaching and learning activities
3.    For Schools: In order to improve and maintain facilities and infrastructure at the school LCD

2.1 The definition of LCD
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) Projector is a type of video projector for displaying  video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface. (www.wikipedia.com, 2010:1).
To display images, LCD projectors typically send light from a Metal halide lamp through a prism that separates light to three poly silicone panels – one each for the red, green, and blue components of the video signal. As polarized light passes through the panels (combination of polarizer, LCD panel and analyzer), individual pixels can be opened to allow light to pass or closed to block the light. The combination of open and closed pixels can produce a wide range of colors and shades in the projected image.
2.2 The History of LCD
LCD Proyektor was invented by Gene Dolgoff. He was an iventor from New York. He began working on it in college in 1968 as a way to produce a video projector that would be brighter than the then-available 3-CRT projectors. The idea was to use an element referred to as a "light valve" to regulate the amount of light that passes through it. This would allow the use of a very powerful external light source. After trying many different materials, he settled on liquid crystals to modulate the light in 1971. It took him until 1984 to get an addressable liquid crystal display (LCD), which is when he built the world's first LCD projector. After building it, he saw many problems that had to be corrected including major light losses and very noticeable pixels. He then invented new optical methods to create a high efficiency and high-brightness projector and invented depixelization to eliminate the appearance of the pixels. With patents all around the world, he started Projectavision, Inc. in 1988, the world's first LCD projector company, which he took public on Nasdaq in 1990. He licensed the technology to other companies such as Panasonic and Samsung. This technology and company started the digital projection industry. In 1989 he was awarded the first Darpa contract ($1 million) for proposing that the US HDTV standard should use digital processing and projection. As a member of the National Association of Photographic Manufacturers (NAPM) Standards Subcommittee, IT7-3, he along with Leon Shapiro, co-developed the worldwide ANSI standard for measurement of brightness, contrast, and resolution of electronic projectors. (www.wikipedia.com, 2010:1)
Early LCD systems were used with existing overhead projectors. The LCD system did not have a light source of its own: it was built on a large "plate" that sat on top of the projector in place of the transparencies. This provided a stop-gap solution in the era when the computer was not yet the universal display medium, creating a market for LCD projectors before their current main use became popular.

2.3 The Function of LCD
LCD Projector can display video, images or computer data on a screen or other flat surface so LCD an be a tool for help people for their job. For the example, LCD can be use for presentation. LCD can display in the big screen so people can see our presentation clearly. LCD can make us to explain our presentation easily.
2.4 The Definition of Student
Student is someone who want to learn some skill and knowledge. Student study in school. In School there are some teachers who teach and give many informations for their student.
2.5 Student Interest for study
There are some ways to make student want to study. The example is how the teacher give the lesson to the student. The way can be use the tool that can take the student interest like video, music, picture, etc.
3.1 Methods of Research
The Method of this research is Description Analysis. And the purpose is to describe the tenth student perception about the effect of using LCD to student interest for study in school.
3.2 Population and Samples
       3.2.1 The Research Population
The population of this research is all of the tenth grade student of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang.
       3.2.2 The Research Samples
The samples of this research is 30 students in X.F.
3.3 Time and Place
This research was holding for 2 month, April until June in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang.
3.4 Data Collecting
The technique of data collecting are literature review and quisioner.
3.4.1 Literature Review
This technique is used to get more information about the LCD and the process of study. The source are from book and internet.

3.4.2 Quisioner
This technique is used to get the student perception about the effect of using LCD to student interest for study in school.
3.5 Data Analysis
For analyze the data, I used two kinds of the data analysis. There are Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis.

3.5.1 Qualitative Analysis
We used this kind of analysis to analyze the general pesrseption of the tenth grade student in Senior High School number 17. We can see it at the opened questions.
3.5.2 Quantitative Analysis
We used this kind of analysis to analyze the percentage of the data from the quisioner.

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