4.1 The Student of Tenth Grade Responses that They have Using LCD or Not
In Palembang, there are many kinds of school. There are normal, standard, and International school. In normal school it is very rare to find LCD. Do the tenth students in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang have using LCD? We can see the percentage in the table and chart below.
Question | Option | Frequency | Percentage(%) |
Have you used LCD for your learning tools? | Ever | 30 | 100 % |
Never | 0 | 0 % |
Table 1. The Percentage of The Student of Tenth Grade in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang Who have Using LCD
From that chart and table above we can know that, 100% respondents have use LCD and there is no respondent who never use LCD. So, we can get conclusion that in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang use LCD for their study process.
4.2 The Student of Tenth Grade Responses about their Experiences in Using LCD
LCD (Lyquid Crystal Display) is one of many teaching tools. LCD can show picture to flat screen so student can know the information which teacher gives. Does LCD for one of teaching tools can make student interest to study increase? For know the result let see the percentage in the table and chart below.
Question | Option | Frequency | Percentage(%) |
How does it feel when you use it? | More Ineresting | 21 | 70 % |
Standard | 8 | 26,67 % | |
Boring | 1 | 3,33 % |
Table 2. The Percentage of The Student of Tenth Grade Perception about their Experiences Using LCD
From the table and chart above we can know that 70% respondent tell us that its more interesting if use LCD, 26,67% respondent tell us that its like usual, and 3,33% tell us that its boring.
From their experiences many respondent tell us that if we use LCD it will more intersting.
4.3 The The Student of Tenth Grade Responses about kind of Lesson that Using LCD
LCD can be used in many kinds of lesson. So for know what kind of lesson that using LCD in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang we can know from chart below.
Question | Option | Frequency | Percentage(%) |
In what lesson you ususally use LCD? | History | 18 | 60 % |
Economics | 2 | 6,67 % | |
Biology | 2 | 6,67 % | |
The Other | 8 | 26,67 % |
Table 3. Students Responses about kind of Lesson that Using LCD
From the table and chart above we can know 60 % respondents choose history, 6,67% economics, 6,67% biology, and 26,67 % another lesson. They say that its more interesting if history use LCD because from the picture that showed by LCD they can easier understand what their teacher explain about.
Our brain is easier to catch pictures and something that have many colours. Therefore LCD can be a usefull media. Our right side brain is better than our left side brain. Our right brain use for catch any pictures,sound, or something that interesting. Our left brain use for catch a word and number. Our right brain is better in remember something. So if the teacher give an information with some pictures, it can make our right side brain work better. So the student can easier remember the information that the teacher gave.
4.4 The Student of Tenth Grade Responses about their interest for study after use LCD
Question | Option | Frequency | Percentage(%) |
Is there any change with your study interest? | Yes | 29 | 96,67 % |
No | 1 | 3,33 % |
Table 4. Students Responses about their interest for study after use LCD
From the data above we can know that the respondent’s study interest is better when they use LCD. And 96,67% respondents choose there is a mood changer if they use LCD.
4.5 The Student of Tenth Grade Agreements about LCD as a media for study
Question | Option | Frequency | Percentage(%) |
Do you agree with LCD will use in learning process? | Agree | 30 | 100% |
Disagree | 0 | 0% |
Table 5. The Student of Tenth Grade Agreements about LCD as a media for study
From the data above we can know that all of respondent agree with that statement which say that LCD can be used as a media for study.
4.6 The Student of Tenth Grade Perception About the Differences use LCD in Study Process or Not
As we know that per day student interest for study is down. If there is no way to solve this problem our future will broken and it will make our country’s growth stop little by little. If it happened the future of our country will be bad.
To make student interest up we must take a way. For the example we must know what is the reason of student interest down then we can find the right solution.
Many students are lazy to hear the lesson because they are very bored with the monotone study type. They only must hear what their teacher explain. To solve this problem we must find a way to make they do not bore. Actually we know globalization make many advantages for us. Electronical can we use for aducation.
Our brain is more easy to catch something that have many colours like pictures and sounds. Therefore, many proffesors want to make a thing that can make our brain easy to catch information.
Now, we can know the example. It is LCD. After the tenth grade student in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang use the LCD, they say that LCD make they do not bore and sleepy. They can see many information in real, not only they hear but they also see.
4.7 The Student of Tenth Grade Perception About the Things that must be Fix in Their School
The Student of Tenth Grade of SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang, have give many opinion about the LCD in their school such as:
a. There are many things that have broken
b. LCD does not take care well
5.1 Conclusions
1. The Students of Tenth Grade in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang tell us that LCD is an important part of study process. LCD can be used as a media for study and it can make student interest will be more.
2. The Benefits of LCD is as a media for study process and make student more interested to study. As we know now student interest for study is down so we can use LCD for make student interest up.
3. The Students of Tenth Grade in SMA Plus Negeri 17 Palembang very agree with the existance of LCD. They say that LCD can make they do not bore when the teacher explain them.
5.2 Suggestions
1. For Students, we must take care of LCD and use it as well as we can.
2. For Teacher, you must use LCD as well as you can as a media for study.
3. For School, we must take care of this tools and fix what things that we must fix.
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Name : Cindy Diana
NIS : 2592
Gender : Female
Relligion : Islam
Class : X.F
School’s Name : SHS PLUS Negeri 17 Palembang
School’s Adress : Jl. Mayor Zurbi Bustan, Lebong Siarang,Palembang
House’s Adress : Jln Langgar RT 09b RW 06 NO 610 Sukamaju
Kenten Palembang
City : Palembang
Province : South Sumatera
Ambition : Doctor